Thursday, August 4, 2011

I'm (P)interest-ed!

Today I spent a good portion of my day on Pinterest. It's been a good day. I've been hearing about this allusive website from so many of my blog friends that finally curiosity got to me and I had to check it out.  

I'm completely hooked! I started planning my (dream) wedding! Nevermind that I'm currently single. I figure I'm allowed to plan regardless and this way when Prince Charming does find me, it'll all be a breeze. I can almost hear all you brides/wives laughing at my thinking the planning will be easy. Let me believe it for now!

On a slightly more realistic note, I've also created a board entitled "Decorating Ideas" and pinned all things I would love to have in an apartment/house one day. I've noticed that I tend to pick neutrals with just a pop of color, so I suppose that's more my style. It surprised me a little. 

If you're interested, you can follow me HERE and if any of you have a Pinterest, let me know so I can follow you and see your beautiful boards! 


  1. Hi Ella! Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog today. I love the quote. I am writing it down because I honestly believe it!

    And yes, Pinterest is so so so amazing and so so so addictive! I'm following you! My pinterest is "hpals"


  2. This is the first time I hear about Pinterest. Sounds interesting, going to check it out!

  3. Aaaah, pinterest, how I love thee.... :D
