Also, I was soooo amazed (and excited!) to log onto Blogger this morning and see 50 followers! Wow! When I started this blog a few months ago I never dreamed that so many people would even want to read my daily rants and randoms! Thank you so so much to each and every one of you!
Jessica tagged me in the "Kreativ Blogger" award. Thank you Jessica! This award comes with the following rules: I have to lsit 7 things that I love. I'm going to change this a little bit seeing as I'm in Germany, and make it 7 things that I love about Germany.
1. The Food: I'm most likely going to do a food post in the following days, but I just can't get enough of it! Especially the cookies and sweets!
2. My Grandparents: I only see them once a year, so its always like a trip down memory lane. Looking at old pictures and hearing stories of what I was like as a child.
3. Getting spoiled by said Grandparents: Pretty self explanatory
4. The Language: I realize that German really isn't the sexiest sounding language, but I grew up with it so it takes me back
5. Reading "Bravo" magazine: It is kind of like German-In Touch. More than half the stuff in it is fake, but its such a guilty pleasure!
6. The Cars: I'm such a sucker for German car labels and still get a thrill seeing BMW and Mercedes all around me, sad I know!
7. The scenery: Everything is much more green then back home
I pass this award onto the following people:
Head Biting Princess
Patty Ann
Sarah, the new girl gave me the "friends" award! Thank you Sarah!
Here's the blog award description:
"This award is bestowed on to blogs that are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."
Now for me to choose 8 Bloggers to pass this one on to! I did a quick check of most of your profiles, so I hope you don't have it already. ANNNNDD the award goooooeess to..
Sweet Pea
I have one more award that I still have to dish out, the "Honest Scrap" Award that I got from Emily a while back (thanks Em!) but I think I'll save that for another time. I'm feeling Blog-love overload at the moment haha.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Summer (in the form of a major heat wave) has finally come to Germany so instead of 15 degrees and rain we have 30 degrees and humidity. I'm not complaining! yet.