Friday, March 20, 2009

My #8 Favourite Place: Florance, Italy

Who doesn't love Italy? Seriously!
I went on my first Italy trip as a high school graduation present and loved it. We did Milan, Pisa, spent a few days on the coast and, of course, Florance. Since then I've also been to Venice, and I have to admit that after all that, Florance is still my absolute favourite Italian city.

I just felt like Florance was the epitome of Italy and Tuscany and all things Italian. Looking at this picture now, the one memory that stands out the most is climbing the Duomo (that tower in the middle) during mid-day heat without a water bottle. I believe it was something in the vicinity of 140 steps that got progressively narrower and smaller as we got higher so that by the end I was almost on all fours and very dehydrated. The view; however, was worth it. I can't seem to find any pictures of the view as I think they are all still only in hardcopy, but I'll add it to this post if I do.

1 comment:

  1. Wooooooooo. I'd love to visit all the major cities in Italy one day.
